Archival Management

Assembling and Preserving Your History 

Many organizations and communities do not understand how history can meet their needs today. As a result, they fail to appreciate the value of their historical records.
At Vantage Point, we work with clients to collect, organize, preserve and retrieve hard-copy and electronic materials that help you preserve your story.






Vantage Point helps records managers differentiate materials that need to be retained for compliance reasons from archival records that can be an ongoing resource for an organization. 
Most importantly, we show various stakeholders in the organization how the records of the past can add value on a daily basis.


We can help you:
  • Identify, thin, and organize historical collections
  • Accession items into a catalogue
  • Transfer them to durable, non-damaging containers and environments
  • Create effective finding aids
  • Turn your history into an asset