
Welcome to VantagePointHistory.com

History is a remarkable teacher. It can illuminate the challenges and the opportunities that face us. It can help us understand the path we have taken. From it, we learn the lessons of the past and gain a sense of common experience. Without it, we are condemned to repeat the mistakes of our predecessors.

At Vantage Point, we put the past to work. We discover the insight and experience related to today’s challenges that lies untapped in corporate and community archives. We interview long-time employees, retirees, and other stakeholders to shed light on past decisions in way that unlocks today’s puzzles. We know how to find this useable past and repurpose it for today’s leaders.

We understand history’s role. Stories of the past create a sense of common purpose. They strengthen commitment to the mission of the organization.

But at Vantage Point we also understand that good history should not lead to nostalgia. Nostalgia reflects an overly-romanticized view of the past. It suggests that those who came before us never made mistakes. It communicates the idea that we can meet today’s challenges by going backward. It enervates organizations and individuals.

Good history highlights the lessons learned from past successes and failures. It helps employees and stakeholders gain perspective and insight. It empowers decision-making.

At Vantage Point, we make it clear that each historical moment is unique. Today’s leaders must makes decisions based on the circumstances of their own time. Ironically, a better understanding of history gives these leaders the information they need to see the contours of their own historical moment.

At Vantage Point, we use history to help our clients understand the present and to envision the future.

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